Shipping Policy
e super

Shipping Policy

What are the delivery charges?

The total shipping charges are calculated at the checkout page. The shipping charges may vary depending on each destinations and the product's weight and size as well as on the selected shipping option. Shipping charges will change with each additional item that is added to your cart. Customers can save more on shipping by increasing their basket size instead of making single item orders.


There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on e super. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price you see on the checkout page is exactly what you would pay.

Delivery charges are not hidden charges and are charged (if at all) extra depending on the e super shipping policy.


What is the estimated delivery time?
It is possible with our courier partners have a holiday between the day you are placed your order and the date of delivery, which is based on the timelines shown on the product page. In this case, we add a day to the estimated date. Some courier partners do not work on Sundays and this is factored in to the delivery dates.

Minimum & Maximum delivery timeline:

1) For items listed as e super will mention the delivery time based on your location pincode (usually Minimum 1-2 business days, 3-5 business days or Maximum 6-7 business days in areas where standard courier service is available). For other areas, orders will be sent by Registered Post through the Indian Postal Service which may take 1-2 weeks depending on the location.

2) The e super might not have the item in stock but can procure it when an order is placed for the item. The delivery time will depend on the estimated procurement time and the estimated shipping time to your location. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.


3) For Special stock or B2B stock items, the delivery time shall be around 2 weeks from date of acceptance of order by e super is not able to fulfil Your Pre-paid Order, we will refund Your entire Consideration within 15 business days from date of cancellation of the order. If order delivery time exceeds the above committed timelines, we will contact You to determine if You want to execute the order with the new delivery time. If You do not wish to execute the order at that time then the entire amount shall be refunded.


Delay Reasons:

While we make reasonable endeavours in ensuring that purchased Products are delivered to you in a timely manner and within the timeline notified to you, you accept and acknowledge that the delivery may be delayed on account of:

              • Logistical issues beyond our control
              • Unsuitable weather conditions
              • Political disruptions, strikes, employee-lockouts, etc.
              • Other unforeseeable circumstances.
              • Bad weather
              • Flight delays
              • National holidays or festivals
              • Customs clearance procedures
              • Natural calamities
              • Massive breakout of disease.

In such events of delay, we shall make reasonable attempt to inform you by writing to your email ID and/or mobile number registered with us. We disclaim all liabilities that may arise on account of our failure to inform or notify you of delays in the delivery of purchased Products on the e super platform. Further, we shall be under no obligation to compensate you for any claim that may otherwise arise on account of delay in the shipment or delivery or use of the purchased Products.

e super does not/cannot ship to my area. Why?

Please enter your pincode on the checkout page to know whether the product can be delivered to your location.


Whether your location can be serviced or not depends on:

    • Legal restrictions, if any, in shipping particular products to your location
    • The availability of reliable courier partners in your location At times e super prefer not to ship to certain locations. This is entirely at their discretion.


Why is the CoD option not offered in my location?

Availability of CoD depends on the ability of our courier partner servicing your location to accept cash as payment at the time of delivery.

Our courier partners have limits on the cash amount payable on delivery depending on the destination and your order value might have exceeded this limit. Please enter your pin code on the product page to check if CoD is available in your location.

If you selected CoD we will be charged Rs.200 additional. If the regular courier not accepted  for CoD we will check with others, They will charge more for CoD so we compensate the extra amount and deliver for your location.


I need to return an item, how do I arrange for a pick-up?

Returns are easy. Contact Us to initiate a return. You will receive a call explaining the process, once you have initiated a return.

Wherever possible courier will facilitate the pick-up of the item. In case, the pick-up cannot be arranged through our courier service, you can return the item through a third-party courier service. Return fees are borne by the e super


I did not receive my order but got a delivery confirmation SMS/Email.

In case the product was not delivered and you received a delivery confirmation email/SMS, report the issue within 7 days from the date of delivery confirmation for the e super to investigate.


Does e super deliver internationally?

As of now, e super doesn't deliver items internationally.

You will be able to make your purchases on our site from anywhere in the world with credit/debit cards issued in India and 21 other countries, but please ensure the delivery address is in India.

Store Pickup      

Here's how it works:

    • During checkout, choose Store Pickup and select your store
    • We'll show you an estimated pickup date
    • Place your order and wait to receive a "Ready for pickup" email (this is a separate email from your order confirmation)
    • Bring your ID, credit card and order number to the store and pick up your items
    • We'll hold your items at the store for 5 days; if you don't make it in by then, we'll cancel the order and refund your method of payment
    • If you can’t pick up your order within 5 days and you don’t want it to be cancelled, contact us for extended pickup options. 

By buying items online and picking them up in a store, you avoid shipping and scheduled delivery charges — and you may be able to get your order faster.


Store Pick-up Non-Replaceable Products –

Products such as Digital Duplicator, A3 Copier, Plotter Printer, Printers, Toners & Cartridges, Laptops, Desktops & AIO Desktops, Computer Accessories, Projectors, Interactive Panel, Commercial Display, CCTV Camera, Networking Products will not be replaced under any condition.
Any products sold under Special offers or Promotional Schemes will not be replaced
Free gifts will not be replaced and/or covered under any kind of warranty. 


Feel free to contact our support team for further assistance.

📲 +91-7358113370 (Available @WhatsApp)


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